Study Finds 30% of College Students from Immigrant Families
The US is experiencing a demographic shift on college and university campuses as immigrants and children of immigrants add to the student body population The

The Source of Immigration to the US Since 1850 Until Today
The United States was established as an ‘immigration nation’ and throughout history, people from all over the globe came to the US with hope for

Immigrants Seek Better Future Through College Education
Universities in the United States are seeing more immigrants and children of immigrants studying for a degree These numbers show a change in the future

More Immigrants Can Vote in US Elections
The 2020 presidential election in America is looking to be a close one This election could be determined by foreign-born voters. There are more immigrants

Four Cities with the Best Examples of American Architecture
If you are interested in gorgeous monuments, remarkable structures, and skyscrapers, you can plan a vacation visiting four large cities and be wowed with beautiful

Diversity of Youth in America Suggests Shifting Demographics
The number of Hispanic and non-white young people in the Generation Z group is on the rise, as the Millennial generation is aging out of