Venezuelans Living in America Can Stay and Work

Over 5.4 million people fled Venezuela due to an economic and political crisis. Opponents of the government are being mistreated and jailed, healthcare has collapsed, and inflation has soared. The Homeland Security Secretary of the US said these extreme and temporary circumstances have caused the US to step forward and support the Venezuelans already living […]
Immigrants Create U.S. Jobs

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg explained in a major policy speech in 2011 that the United States government needs to increase immigration to both repair and grow the economy in the United States. Politico quoted Bloomberg as saying, “We will not remain a global superpower if we continue to close our doors to […]
How Can You Know If You Are a Winner of the DV-Lottery?

Once you register for the Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery on the U.S. State Department’s Electronic Diversity Visa (E-DV) website, you will be given a Confirmation Number. It’s important that you print this number or write it down so you can get the status regarding your registration. USAFIS is an immigration service that helps thousands of […]
Kousay Alkureishi: “Highly Appreciate USAFIS Services”

One of the winners of the DV-2017 is Kousay Alkureishi – who won after seven years of participation in the program. Now he describes his opinion about the process that made a huge change in his life: “It was a grateful and continuous follow up from USAFIS and their valuable advice leads to understand a […]
Zeinab Ahmed Mohammed: “USAFIS Directed Us Perfectly”

Read Zeinab Ahmed Mohammed testimonial about USAFIS: “Me and my husband applied for DV Lottery USAFIS as VIP and we successfully selected. They directed us perfectly details of application and even interview processing by helping in lawyer service with excellent support”.
Seven Regulations for Entering the American Green Card Lottery

At USAFIS, we deal with hundreds of people everyday who are waiting to get into America. We have seen many win the Green Card Lottery, and we have celebrated with them as they make plans to move to the United States to work and live.